Elf Farm Supplies’ application to build odour mitigation technology at its facility was approved by the NSW Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) in March 2016. As part of its approval, DPE has requested that documents related to the application, the construction of the mitigation technology and the ongoing operation of our facility be made publically available (unless commercially sensitive).
Please find the currently available information below. As the relevant plans are approved, technical analysis is completed and reports are published they will be made available here.
Statutory approvals
Please follow this link to the Major Project page of the Department of Planning and Environment for all relevant documentation relating to our development application, and modification.
Plans and programs
- Figure 6 – Revised Staging Plan
- Project process – June 2016
- Community Engagement Strategy – Revision One
- EFS Construction Environmental Management Plan
- EFS Landscape Design Report and Plant List
- Good Neighbour Procedures
- Pollution Incident Response Management Plan
- Environmental Management Strategy
- Environmental Management Strategy – Appendices
Technical analysis and reports
Environmental reports and reviews can be found in Environmental reports.
Updated May 2020